- Applied for rental house
- Completed several of end-of-semester projects
- Got accepted for rental house
- Turned 21
- Applied and interviewed for promotion at work
- Got said promotion
- My boyfriend, Zach moved back to San Diego
- Completed "dead week" and finals
- Moved out of apartment
- Watched Tegan and other friends graduate
- Moved into rental house
hmm. I guess when I actually write it out, it doesn't seem like that much. But I'm telling you it was brutal! I don't remember the last time I went to bed before midnight and I've been stress eating like none other (white girl problems).
Getting to the point of this post:
The end of a school year has always marked change for me. I advance into another academic year, my friends all go home for the summer, I change my lifestyle from doing nonstop class work to slowing down and shifting my focus... even the return of summer (the season) always provokes a change in attitude and perspective. But this year's change is significant. After 3 years of living on campus (and going through 8 roommates... a skeleton in my closet to be discussed at a later date), I am finally moved out of University Village and into a house off campus. Additionally, a ton of my friends graduated and will soon be getting married and seeing them again will take a large amount of effort on my part (who knows where they will settle?).While I'm excited to be on my own and get to know my new roommates better, I'm really going to miss my old roommates and the ease of living on campus. Along with turning 21, this house thing is a milestone of my life and the thought that I am currently inside of a milestone is somewhat terrifying! I'm drowning in the milestone! But at the same time, it is really exciting. As stressful as it's been, I'm very thankful for all of the changes that have happened because I know all of them will be greatly beneficial in the long run.
All of that being said, things are changing and I'm really excited about it. Look forward to more blogs about the new things in my life!
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