Thursday, May 24, 2012

(first post!) So here's the thing...

I've been dying to jump into the "blogosphere" for several months now but to be honest, the task has been daunting! I'm not sure what I find so intimidating about starting up a blog again (I had several blogs in high school that I used regularly) but for some reason I've been hesitant.  Maybe it's because looking at the blogs of my adolescence and the things I wrote back then is humiliating. Actually, yeah... I'm pretty sure that's exactly why I'm hesitant. (Along with an incident when I was confronted by a gal on Pinterest who accused me of plagiarizing her crafts. But I digress...)

But as I'm well on my way toward graduation and a great new chapter of my life (yes!) I know it's time to start documenting and sharing my experiences! Are you excited? Because I am!

I was going to go on to share some facts about myself... but I don't want my first post to be exhaustive. Plus, if I share too much in the first post you won't come back for more. Right? Is that how it works?

So here it is, guys! My first post ever (on my new blog).

My following posts will be more interesting than this one, I promise.

Have a great weekend, everyone!

It's about that time again...

We are throwing a party this weekend!

My roommates and I wanted to have a house-warming party once we got settled in. My roommate, Courtney's birthday is coming up next week. Since the birthday party we were planning for Courtney would fall on the same weekend as my Europe trip (!!!) we decided to not only combine the two parties, but have the extravaganza ASAP. I'm excited to show off our new house to our friends, and I have some fun surprises up my sleeve to celebrate Courtney's coming of age (can a person have a coming-of-age at 22?).

Don't worry, I'm planning on taking pictures! Not only to give you a peek at the house, but to prove that I have friends! (kidding... I'm not really desperate)

The party was originally going to be a costume party, but since it was so short notice everyone decided it would take too much time and effort to dress up.
However, the idea of a costume party got me brainstorming all the things I could dress up as for a potential party! I like the idea of DIY costumes and masks much more than janky store-bought costumes probably sewn under unethical conditions. I am pocketing a few ideas to craft on a rainy day, once I save up for a sewing machine.

I hope you all have a great weekend!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

A Proverbial Fork in the Road

Disclaimer: This is a venting post. If you don't want to hear me whine, stop reading.

So God has been testing me this week. As of Monday, our hot water and electricity got shut off due to some miscommunications with the electric company and poor maintenance of our water heater pilot light (I'm beginning to despise the previous tenants of this house).

Fortunately, my roommate and I were able to spend the night at my friend/co-worker Amanda's house Monday, which actually ended up being fun because it turned into an impromptu LOST night. Also I was able to eat dinner and take a shower, which was much needed.

Last night we were planning on toughing it out, living rustically, and going to bed early when the electric company truck pulled up around 9pm and our power got turned on. Even though this drama only spanned 3 days, it seemed like much longer. Not only were we having a mini physical crisis, things with the roommate reached somewhat of a breaking point. I mean, you know things are bad when you have a mental breakdown on your lunch break.

The real problem wasn't the lack of electricity. It was the feeling of being out of control and exposed. This little blackout decided to happen in the midst of other difficult things going on within my personal life, and it was the straw that broke the camel's back. I didn't handle the situation well, and I may or may not have been a mean person to my roommate.

Let me explain why I was not a nice person: In the past, I didn't allow myself to get too emotionally close to my roommates. I have the tendency to close myself off from people.
This time around, I can feel the walls coming down and my roommate pushing her way through the cast-iron barrier that encloses my fragile container of precious thoughts and emotions... and that scares me! At this point, I can do one of two things: either put up some more walls to further protect myself from being discovered (oh the horrors of being found out! That I am imperfect and flawed and don't have all my stuff together!) or allow myself to open up and be vulnerable and grow as an emotional human being, learning how to express my emotions and connect with another human being on an emotionally intimate level.

I obviously know which route I need to choose, but it's scary and difficult and is gonna take a whole lot of trust.

And to think that all of this came from having a broken pilot light on the water heater.

God sure is is a sneaky God.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Adventures in Bridesmaidland

Monday was a very productive day.
Since it was Tegan's last day in town before permanently moving back to the Midwest, I took the day off to get in some extra bonding time*. We met our former roommate, Lindsey, at the Santa Anita Mall (the best mall closest to to Azusa, in my opinion) for lunch and manicures. Yes, it was an uncharacteristic outing for Tegan and me, as the girliest thing we ever do is watch Hilary Duff movies and eat chocolate (and then follow it up by watching Saw). But it was nice to be "pampered" and get our nails fixed after a week of packing and lifting heavy boxes.

After our manicures, we did a bit of shopping. I was in the market for some knitted/braided/sparkly headbands to spice up my dowdy work uniform. We then went to Forever 21, where I was most hopeful about the headbands but alas, there were none. So we decided to give H&M a chance.

At H&M I was pointing out all of the white dresses and sarcastically suggesting that Tegan buy her wedding dress there. Moments later, Lindsey points out a cute gray dress and says "I love this dress! I wish I had seen this when I was shopping for a bridesmaid's dress for my sister's wedding!"


Conveniently, I am in search of a gray bridesmaid's dress for Tegan's wedding so of course I had to try it on. After trying on two sizes that didn't fit (oye vey: that's all I'm going to say about that.) I finally tried it on and fell in love with it. I didn't have very many expectations about the dress I was going to choose, but this one seemed to be destined for me. Not to mention Tegan was gushing over it and she is the bride so her opinion trumps all!

Here is the dress!

Here is the dress on me. It's a truly awful picture,
but it was taken in a fluorescent-lit fitting room so please pretend not to notice.

Overall, it was a fun and productive day! I got my nails done and walked away with the perfect bridesmaid's dress for only $45. I also needed some relaxation badly before jumping back in at work, and the shopping therapy was just what the psychologist ordered! 

No, I did not end up finding any headbands. If you know where I can purchase some, please help a sista out. 

*fun fact: last year, Tegan and I both had the same shade of red hair and her neighbors could not tell us apart from the back. They also could not remember my name so they dubbed me "Tegan 2.0"

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Quick Note

So I'm currently at work, on my work computer (a mac) and I'm noticing how much better my blog looks on a mac than on my PC at home. That being said, I apologize to all my PC user followers! Not that this layout is permanent or anything... I tend to get stir crazy and change things up a lot.

I hope you are all having a great week!

Monday, May 7, 2012

An End of an Era (a some-what deep post)

Friends! I'm sorry I haven't blogged in so long. These past 2 weeks have been completely insane. I'm gonna save you from a drawn-out post blabbering about everything that's happened, and give you a bullet list:
  • Applied for rental house 
  • Completed several of end-of-semester projects 
  • Got accepted for rental house 
  • Turned 21 
  • Applied and interviewed for promotion at work 
  • Got said promotion 
  • My boyfriend, Zach moved back to San Diego
  • Completed "dead week" and finals
  • Moved out of apartment
  • Watched Tegan and other friends graduate
  • Moved into rental house

hmm. I guess when I actually write it out, it doesn't seem like that much. But I'm telling you it was brutal! I don't remember the last time I went to bed before midnight and I've been stress eating like none other (white girl problems).

Getting to the point of this post:

The end of a school year has always marked change for me. I advance into another academic year, my friends all go home for the summer, I change my lifestyle from doing nonstop class work to slowing down and shifting my focus... even the return of summer (the season) always provokes a change in attitude and perspective. But this year's change is significant. After 3 years of living on campus (and going through 8 roommates... a skeleton in my closet to be discussed at a later date), I am finally moved out of University Village and into a house off campus. Additionally, a ton of my friends graduated and will soon be getting married and seeing them again will take a large amount of effort on my part (who knows where they will settle?).

While I'm excited to be on my own and get to know my new roommates better, I'm really going to miss my old roommates and the ease of living on campus. Along with turning 21, this house thing is a milestone of my life and the thought that I am currently inside of a milestone is somewhat terrifying! I'm drowning in the milestone! But at the same time, it is really exciting. As stressful as it's been, I'm very thankful for all of the changes that have happened because I know all of them will be greatly beneficial in the long run.

All of that being said, things are changing and I'm really excited about it. Look forward to more blogs about the new things in my life!