Friday, June 29, 2012

I'm Back!

Hey followers!
I'm sorry for the enormously long hiatus. I am quickly realizing that I am an incredibly sporadic blogger. Let's just put that on the growing list of things I need to be more disciplined about.

Other than being incredibly lazy, my absence was partially due to the fact that I just got back from a 2 week long European vacation with my family. The weeks leading up to the trip were spent working my butt off tying up loose ends at the office so that my co-manager, Wes wouldn't have to carry all of my dead weight while I was gone. 
So instead of blogging, for the past two weeks I gallivanted through Europe, becoming an experienced world traveler! Well, maybe an experienced traveler of part of the European world. Anyways, it's a start and an experience I'll never forget.

So this summer I have decided to take up a few hobbies more seriously, one of them being photography. My trip to Europe was a good opportunity to practice my photography skills and it turns out I have an okay eye for it. I think honing my skills paid off, because I got a lot of good shots! Once I finish uploading and editing my photos, I will share some of the ones I'm most proud of.

I am still at my parents' house right now, but tomorrow I will trek back up to Covina to resume my life. I'm hoping the transition back to my house and office will be a smooth one.

Stay tuned for more details about my trip and pictures! I promise to follow through this time, and not disappear for a month!

I hope everyone has a great Friday and a fun weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to see those pics!!

